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What to Expect When You Go to Rehab

What to Expect When You Go to Rehab

You’ve decided to get help with your drug or alcohol addiction, and you may be wondering what to expect from rehab. First of all, you can relax—rehab isn’t torture! There are many different types of rehab programs that offer different approaches to overcoming your addiction, and most offer counseling and therapy to help you on your road to recovery. In this article, we’ll go over some things to expect from rehab so you can ensure that you find the right one for you!

How Alcohol Rehab Works

Alcohol addiction is a complex disease that requires professional treatment. If you suspect you have a problem with alcohol or are in need of an intervention, then follow these steps:

Once you’ve decided to get sober, it’s time to identify which type of rehab program will be best for your recovery needs.

How Drug Rehab Works

The symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal can seem overwhelming, but rehab is designed to help you get through them safely and comfortably. That said, all treatment programs are different. For a general idea of what you can expect, check out our guide on how drug rehab works. It’s not an exact prescription for everyone (or every situation), but it will give you a helpful overview of what happens during rehab—and provide answers for some basic questions.

How Inpatient Rehab Works

Inpatient rehab involves living at a facility for a predetermined amount of time. During that time, you go through multiple facets of treatment, including group therapy, one-on-one counseling, and various other forms of recovery services. Inpatient programs often include detoxing from drugs or alcohol as well as medication for any mental health issues. Some also have medical care available on site 24/7 in case any emergencies arise. Like outpatient rehab, inpatient rehab is highly personalized based on your needs and goals. In some cases, inpatient care is required if you’re struggling with severe addiction issues and/or have serious mental health problems such as bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia that make outpatient treatment difficult if not impossible.

Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Treatment

If you’re looking for outpatient drug rehab, you may be wondering what that treatment actually looks like. The good news is that outpatient drug rehab can cover a wide variety of treatment options. For example, many people go to an outpatient facility for part of their treatment (such as weekdays) and do something like stay sober on their own during weekends or other days. This gives them time to get used to life without drugs while still giving them some support and structure in their daily lives. Outpatient drug rehab is a great choice for people who are ready for a change but aren’t sure they have full-blown addiction or who might need some extra support in maintaining sobriety while dealing with stressors in life such as kids, work, school, etc.

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