Thyroid Issues: 7 Early Signs And Treatment

Thyroid Issues: 7 Early Signs And Treatment


Thyroid problems are very common among the American population. According to estimates, about 20 million Americans deal with some thyroid problem. Interestingly, about 60 percent of this affected population is not even aware of their thyroid issues.

It is thus very essential to know and learn about common and early signs of thyroid issues. Self-diagnosis of thyroid problems is not easy as many of the symptoms might overlap with other health conditions. However, it is better to consult a doctor if you observe a few of these early signs of a possible thyroid problem.

Treatment For Thyroid Issues

Treatment in terms of medication and self-care can increase your recovery pace. Your physician might suggest some medication based on the severity of your condition. In addition to it, the efforts you put in terms of self-care can surely bring meaningful differences.

Treatment: The treatment might only require medication in some cases, such as if the person is suffering from hypothyroidism, then the physician might suggest levothyroxine. However, in a few severe cases, the patient might even have to go through a surgery

Self-Care: Self-care can bring noticeable improvement when you aim to control conditions such as thyroid problems. A healthy and nutrient-rich diet is many times effective enough to overcome mild symptoms of thyroid problems.

You can follow some simple tips mentioned below to take care of your thyroid:

1. Eat Nutrient-Rich Diet

Diet rich in nutrients such as iodine, zinc, and selenium is sufficient to overcome mild and minor symptoms of thyroid problems. A person can easily source these vital thyroid nutrients through a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, seafood, and nuts.

2. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Avoiding and giving up unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol is one of the key aspects of self-care. It is believed that excessive alcohol can suppress the normal ability of the body to use thyroid hormones. Furthermore, it impairs the ability of the body to derive nutrients from food. Reaching out for professional help is the best way to get rid of alcohol abuse.

Quality and variety of treatment options are almost the same everywhere in the country, and you do not have to travel away from your home. For instance, locals of Texas can find the best treatment facilities around them. They can search for the best Texas rehabilitation centers and find a list of options to choose from to get rid of addiction.
Hypothyroidism vs. Hyperthyroidism: Causes and Symptoms

Seven Early Signs

Here are some early signs that could possibly signal a thyroid problem. It is possible that these signs could be the outcome of some other health problems, but it is better to consult your physician before drawing any conclusion out of these signs.

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is a very common health issue. People normally feel fatigued, and this usually goes away with proper rest and sound sleep. However, the fatigue resulting from thyroid problems is different, and it might seem to never go away with everything done right.

Women could experience severe fatigue either due to menopause or thyroid problem. However, despite having estrogen, if it still persists, it may indicate an undiagnosed thyroid problem. Fatigue that does not go away and persists even with proper rest is one of the early signs of a thyroid problem.

2. Weight Gain

Weight gain is certainly common if you are suffering from hypothyroidism. The easiest way to assess whether you have hypothyroidism or not is by calculating BMR. Thyroid glands are responsible for controlling the metabolism of the body. With thyroid problems, one can notice sudden and drastic weight changes.

If a person is suffering from hypothyroidism, then he is more likely to observe weight gain. The weight gain might not be due to excess body fat; instead, it is due to salt and water retention in the body. With the right medication and self-care, it is easy to lose weight gained due to thyroid problems.

3. Weight Loss

In case if a person is dealing with overactive thyroid, then he is more likely to witness sudden and abrupt weight loss. Again one can easily diagnose it simply by calculating the normal BMR. For hyperthyroidism, the BMR is normally higher than normal. The weight loss is all dependent upon the severity of the thyroid problem.

Usually, the person with overactive thyroid experiences a greater appetite. Despite eating a large number of calories, the overactive thyroid might even demand more calories. This can take a serious form, and it needs proper diagnosis.

4. Slow Heart Rate

Slow heart rate is possibly an indication of hypothyroidism. Thyroid glands also have an influence on heart function. The underactive thyroid gland can make your heart rate go slow. If the problem remains untreated, it can lead to serious problems such as stiffening arteries, higher cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

5. Increased Heart Rate

Those who are suffering from hyperthyroidism might commonly experience increased heart rate. This can take serious form and remains untreated. With increased heart rate, a person is at higher risk of angina and hypertension. A person is more likely to experience irregular heart rhythm, which is extremely risky.

6. Sensitivity To Heat

Those who have hyperactive thyroid might experience sensitivity to heat. This is because, with a higher metabolism, the body is likely to produce more heat. A person, as a result, could experience more sweating. This abnormal sensitivity to heat is actually an indication of a thyroid problem. A heat-sensitive person might feel comfortable while others are feeling cold.

7. Sensitivity To Cold

With an underactive thyroid, the body is likely to deal with the problem of cold hands and feet. With low levels of thyroxin, the body cannot produce sufficient heat to keep body warm. As a result, a person becomes sensitive to even minor colds. Make sure to seek medical care for proper treatment in order to get the problem fixed.

The early signs of thyroid problems might differ and vary from one person to another. However, it is important to know the early signs of thyroid problems in order to seek medical care.