
Mental health issues are increasing everyday due to many interactions happening to our lives that sometimes you mistook it as a normal thing that you do in which it doesn’t count, especially the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Everyone has habits or thoughts that repeat sometimes that people with OCD have thoughts or actions that Take up at least an hour a day, beyond their control, aren’t enjoyable and sometimes it interferes with work, social life or another part of their lives.

OCD isn’t about habits like biting your nails or thinking negative thoughts. An obsessive thought might be that certain numbers or colors are good or bad. A compulsive habit might be to wash your hands seven times after touching something that could be dirty. Although you may not want to think or do these things, you feel powerless to stop.

Many people who have OCD know that their thoughts and habits don’t make sense. They don’t do them because they enjoy them, but because they can’t quit. And if they stop, they feel so bad that they start again.

Obsessive thoughts can include, worries about yourself or other people getting hurt, constant awareness of blinking, breathing, or other body sensations or suspicion that a partner is unfaithful with no reason to believe it. Mistaking every action that they made is part of the disorder that they can’t escape even when they are asleep. Also, compulsive habits can include doing tasks in a specific order every time or a certain good number of times, needing to count things like steps or bottles and fear of touching doorknobs, using public toilets, or shaking hands are the examples of OCD.

Doctors aren’t sure why some people have OCD because often the root of having OCD is from the family, friends and sometimes to strangers. It’s a bit more common in women than in men. Women are sensitive in every way they see the world and have more deep thoughts than men.

Symptoms often appear in teens or young adults with risk factors of having a depression, social anxiety, tics, experience with trauma or a history of physical or sexual abuse as a child.

There’s no cure for OCD. But you may be able to manage how your symptoms affect your life through medicine, therapy, or a combination of treatments. You can ask for treatment to people psychology Melbourne and gives you services with great result. We cater online psychologist and online therapy that will help improve your mental awareness and mental health. Given with our professional doctors with a great knowledge and skills we can assure you that we will lead you to a brighter future with no difficulties.

People who have OCD are placed in situations where they are gradually exposed to their obsessions and asked not to perform the compulsions that usually ease their anxiety and distress. The first step is for you to describe all of your obsessions and compulsions. Then you and the therapist will arrange them in a list, ordering them from things that don’t bother you much to things that are the most frightening. Next, the therapist will ask you to face your fear of something on your list, starting with the easiest.

In psychologist Melbourne, we can help with your treatments by having those below;

Career Counselling

we will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.

Family Counselling and Therapy

offers many benefits in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Family therapy educates family members about these disorders. It helps families to learn the most helpful ways to respond to these disorders.

Hypnotherapy Program

is a form of psychotherapy that uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness.

Anger Management

we will help you learn to recognize signs that you’re becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a productive way.

Grief Counseling

through grief counseling, we discover that a sudden strong desire for a baby might be an unconscious way to cope with loss.

How Does Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Affect the Brain?

Marriage Counseling

help you to keep your marriage strong because spouses often feel confused, overwhelmed and frustrated and feel like they have to give in and cater to the sufferer’s obsessions in order to keep peace in the marriage.

depression counselling

we can help you address the root causes of your depression, learn healthy self-care skills and discover ways to manage your symptoms by counselling.

Usually compulsions become like rituals; they follow specific rules and patterns, and involve constant repetitions. Compulsions give an illusory sense of short-term relief to anxiety. However, they actually reinforce anxiety and make the obsessions seem more real, so that the anxiety soon returns.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment may not result in a cure, but it can help bring symptoms under control so that they don’t rule your daily life. Depending on the severity of OCD, some people may need long-term, ongoing or more intensive treatment.

It’s sometimes difficult to diagnose OCD because symptoms can be similar to those of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia or other mental health disorders. And it’s possible to have both and another mental health disorder. Work with us at People Psychology Melbourne so that you can get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Our team has experience managing a wide variety of issues inside and outside work. Our experience working with individuals, children, couples, families, and organizations have provided us with the foresight necessary to try to formulate a way for you to achieve your goals, feel safe, and feel better about your life

Our psychologists aim to provide the kind of environment you’ll need in order to be able to share your feelings and thoughts, and at the same time be on the receiving end of advice and tips that could be helpful to you in the long run. Contact as now at People Psychology Melbourne.