Mental health issues are increasing everyday due to many interactions happening to our lives that sometimes you mistook it as a normal thing that you do in which it doesn’t count, especially the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Everyone has habits or thoughts that repeat sometimes that people with OCD have thoughts or actions that Take up […]

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Hypnotherapy Program

Hypnotherapy Program

Hypnotherapy Program, also referred to as guided hypnosis, it is a form of psychotherapy that uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness. In other words, it places individuals into a trance or altered state of awareness. Hypnotherapy is clear from the word itself. Hypnotherapy is the […]

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Anger management

Anger management

Failing to manage your anger can lead to a variety of problems like saying things you regret, yelling at your kids, threatening your co-workers, sending rash emails, developing health problems, or even resorting to physical violence. But not all anger issues are that serious. Instead, your anger might involve wasting time thinking about upsetting events, […]

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Is Addiction Genetic?

Is Addiction Genetic?

Genetic diseases are those which occur due to alteration or mutation in genes. After several kinds of research, scientists concluded that genetics could also play a vital role in determining a person’s vulnerability to drug abuse or alcoholism. However, different studies reveal different facts. Therefore, we can say that more than one gene or genetic […]

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Blaming Yourself for The Addiction of Another

Blaming Yourself for The Addiction of Another

It is quite a common phenomenon among the relatives and friends of people who are addicts to blame themselves for the situation their loved one is going through. Unfortunately, this does not exactly help you get. What the Experts Will Across the world, there are countless of different rehab centers for pretty much everything. Alcohol […]

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